DMC Registration
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Please complete this registration form within 15 minutes or you will be redirected back to this page.
Admission into the DMC Conference:
The papers and sessions scheduled to be presented at this Conference will be governed by the rules and limitations of ITAR (U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations) and the following information will be REQUIRED:
Provide proper ID.
Accepted Forms of ID
Non-Government Attendees Only: DD2345 Certification Required along with Employee Verification
Your FSO/Data Custodian/HR's approval will be required.
You will need to supply the name and email address of your FSO/Data Custodian/HR contact
An email will be sent to the FSO/Data Custodian/HR contact you supply during registration
A response is REQUIRED for attendance, so ensure you supply the correct contact information for your FSO/Data Custodian/HR
I understand the security requirements for attendance to this Conference and will follow the procedures as posted throughout the registration process.